Hey there! I'm Jessica Kenny. 

And this is my story

Where I've been and where I'm headed...

I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland as a timid, quiet, and very observant little girl. I ate the typical SAD (standard American diet), drank straight from the hose, and played outside all day with the neighborhood kids.

When I was 8, my mom, sister, and I moved from the city to rural Pennsylvania. It was quite the shock, but the best thing that came from it was a different way of living. My mom started gardening, canning our food, and teaching us about the benefits of drinking mineral-rich well water as opposed to city tap water. We started living holistically, and it was awesome to see our health transform. 

I got into a lot of trouble in my teenage and young adult years... bad relationships, alcohol, junk food, poor mindset, sleepless nights... it put me in a place of depression, anxiety, gut problems, pain, isolation, fatigue, terrible hormonal imbalances, missing periods... you name it, I went through it. 

I continuously put in effort to come back to my holistic roots... restrictive diets, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, carnivore, random supplements, complicated detox protocols... thinking the way to fix all of my problems was through the perfect diet, supplements, and avoiding every toxin I possibly could.

"If I can just start eating right again and stick to it, my health will come back. I just need to stick to my diet and exercise more and I'll have the energy to come out of this".  

Well, that was never the case. 

I was so determined to be healthy and help others be healthy that I got certified to be an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) in May 2021. This was it, I thought. 

I learned some amazing things at IIN, including all about nutrition, and other categories of health such as physical activity, home environment, relationships, finances, career, creativity, and joy, to name a few... but I still didn't feel like my greatest self. I was still struggling with fatigue, hormone imbalances, digestion issues... it seemed like my problems went deeper than the lifestyle changes I had already made.

That same year, I moved to Tucson, Arizona to be with some family. I was still on track with eating great, exercising, no drugs or alcohol, dealing with my emotions, and living what seemed to be a really healthy life. 

But I was still struggling with persistent symptoms, and didn't feel great. I was "doing everything right" and I was still tired and wondering what was wrong with me.

At this point, I had been on a gentle heavy metal detox through mineral balancing from an HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) for a couple of years on and off. That definitely helped my hormones and energy a lot, but didn't get me quite all the way there. Through my HTMA practitioner, I found Carrie Bennett. She was promoting a course for practitioners on the subject of Quantum Biology by The Institute of Applied Quantum Biology. I was so intrigued! I had never heard of quantum biology.

I joined the program and learned ALL about sunlight, mitochondrial health, and circadian rhythm. This was finally what I was searching for. I started implementing circadian strategies such as waking up with sunrise, blocking blue light at night, getting higher quality sleep, and reducing my non-native EMF exposure. I saw my health take a turn for the better VERY quickly. I learned all about the light spectrum's impact on our health, especially our hormones and sleep. It was here that I learned that our body has a time clock that dictates all biological functions... energy, mood, sleep, digestion, gut health, etc.

It wasn't me. It was my environment! It was during this time that I discovered:

» I wasn't broken, I just wasn't getting enough sunlight

» I wasn't a night owl doomed with poor sleep for the rest of my life, I just had way too many bright lights on at night!

» There's no "perfect" diet - just a diet that focuses on seasonal and local whole foods - while STILL eating foods that bring me joy (no restriction, guilt foods, or cheat days here!)

» I don't need fancy probiotics for my gut health... my gut health is dependent on a good night's sleep

» Our bodies thrive on a negative charge - this means more time outside grounding on the earth and less electronics!

» Our circadian rhythm is the conductor for the beautiful orchestra of our body. It is essential to pay attention to this rhythm for optimal health!

I became a certified Circadian Practitioner through the AQBC in March of 2022. I also completed Carrie Bennett's practitioner mentorship program in November 2023. And I am so thrilled and honored that I now get to help women around the world create a healthy circadian rhythm and educate them on the importance of it. It is the true foundation of health! 

As my main focus is on circadian rhythm, I also love to support my amazing clients with the health knowledge that I have acquired over the years, both from my certifications and self study, as well as personal and client experience. I love helping women achieve a healthy relationship with nutrient dense and seasonal foods, find natural and creative ways to move their bodies, and use supplements as needed. I truly believe health is multi-faceted, and every individual is unique. One thing is the same for everyone, though, and that is that we must take care of our circadian rhythm in order to feel our best and prevent disease.

I look forward to the opportunity to help women all over the world achieve the health they strive for, through simple means. As I continue to learn and study the ever-growing field of Holistic Health, I stand firm with foundations of a healthy life: sleep, sunlight, hydration, food, movement, connection, and joy! 

Thank you for being here!